
Dear Participant,

You have enrolled yourself for Cognition Quiz aiming your Perception Assessment for your "S4-M1 - Ways to Improve Financial and Technical Understanding for Mentees in F2F-Trust Project" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

Thank you for your participation!

The F2F-Trust Project Team

1. The financial literacy resources can be found:

a) From financial advisors’
b) Training companies’ specialized websites
c) From school
d) From Facebook

2. Chose from the list below the e-Business’ benefits:

a) There are no geographical boundaries
b) There are a few security and integrity issues
c) Delivery of products takes time
d) Marketing strategies cost more

3. Chose from the list below the e-Marketing’ advantages:

a) Customers receive more convenience and more competitive prices
b) It is more difficult for customers to receive market information
c) The visibility of the business is reduced
d) Businesses can reduce operating costs

4. Which of the following is the main type of e-Advertising:

a) Web Banner
b) Newsletter
c) Ad Sense Advertising
d) TV Advertising

5. Which of the following rules applies for searching a selling platform?

a) Do not chose too general key words
b) Your business name
c) Search on more than one search engine
d) All of the above

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