
Dear Participant,

You have enrolled yourself for Cognition Quiz aiming your Perception Assessment for your "S2-M1 - The Necessary ICT Skills and Ways to Develop ICT Skills in Mentoring the F2F-Trust Project" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

Thank you for your participation!

The F2F-Trust Project Team

1. What are the possible ways of promotion when selling products on the Internet?

a) Oral communication with clients
b) Running a website (fan page) on Facebook
c) Conducting activities on local festivals
d) Handing out product samples

2. What are the essential elements of the website?

a) Stop button
b) A link to the SRO website
c) Website content
d) Profile on Snapchat

3. What is the first step of building a strategy on the Internet?

a) HTML home page placed on the communicator
b) Privacy policy and cookies
c) Displaying the page in an Internet browser
d) Defining a target group that will generate potential customers

4. What do the indexes on the website mean?

a) Links to subpages created on the home page
b) Keeping a blog
c) Splitting the website
d) Photographs in 72 dpi resolution

5. What elements influence the positioning of the website?

a) Gif on the website
b) Frequency of the text
c) Webpage support
d) Keywords in a URL

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